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YWAM update August


Hello everyone!

Summer is drawing to a close here in Discovery Bay. We hope you have enjoyed the sun, friends and family as much as we have this year.  In July, we were able to drive down to visit family in California and New Mexico. We were so blessed by those of you we had a chance to see in person.  The kids sure had fun playing with their cousins and friends.  God even helped us to manage such a loooong drive. His grace was sufficient in every situation we faced.


Since we got back we have been busy, along with the rest of the staff, preparing for the upcoming Discipleship Training School. The DTS starts September 22nd and will run until February. As of now we have seven students confirmed, but are expecting more to confirm within the next few weeks.  As we have been praying and reviewing the student’s applications we have felt that this will be a season of healing and growth for them.  Most of the students are between the ages of 18-23 but we do have a couple who are older.  Each one comes with their own story and struggles. Isaac and I know how life-changing our DTS experience was. This kind of community setting and Bible training provides a catalyst for God to move powerfully in people’s lives. By the end of a DTS we have all grown in the Lord and in relationship with one another. We feel like family!


The leadership has decided that the outreach location for this DTS will be a combination of China and Mongolia. We will spend a total of 6 to 8 weeks in these countries. The team will spend time in a providence in China that is a majority Buddhist and Muslim. Christians in this area experience a lot of persecution and are often ostracized from the community. I am not including the name of this providence intentionally because it may pose a risk for our group. Our YWAM campus has sent missionaries on a consistent basis to this location since we started in 2009.  It’s really awesome to have this connection and everyone is excited to go back. We are expectant and enthusiastic to see how God is going to work in the lives of these students, and in those we meet on outreach.


Lastly, wanted to give a financial update.  We have a consistent donation amount averaging about $800/mo. This is great and covers our staff fees! But our campus guidelines require a family of six to raise an average $1,900/mo. in donations. So, we are still fundraising and hoping to partner with more individuals who want to support this ministry. If you want to start supporting our family through giving financially you can do so by going to the address below. All donations are tax deductible.



We want to thank everyone who generously supports us financially and through prayer. Without your partnership, we would not be able to fulfill this calling God has placed on our hearts. We are passionate about sharing Jesus with the nations, and about training up youth to do the same!


Please pray for:

  • God to bring the students he wants to be a part of this DTS.
  • For each student to raise what they need financially for DTS & outreach.
  • For open hearts allowing God to do a transforming work.
  • For open doors in China & Mongolia.


“And then he told them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”

Mark 16:15

God Bless,

 Isaac, Kristi & the Crew

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